Monday, July 18, 2011


lifes weird...i don't have the faintest memory of what the first touch of air felt like when I was born or did it hurt me when they cut off the umbilical cord...or did it feel icky to be soaked in blood and plasma...I can something that started off so abrupt turn out to be so interestingly annoying and annoyingly interesting...

I fail to understand how ones mind can play such funny games with you and surface your insecurities, worries, tensions unknowingly to you! you get caught in trying to bite the bullet and making sure nobody else takes the blow...

u take blows over blows and then u realize its a choice you made...a road u chose to ride...nobody told u nothing....nobody did no nothing...u did it!

This worlds a mean and nasty place....there are all sorts of animals in this jungle and life is the one common thread...u need to know though which animals to avoid..which to hunt down, which to hang around with....

U think ur nice, ur fun and u please everyone....u hope they know u just love them... or they might mistake u for a is over then...

The minds a makes u do things u normally wouldn't and then ur hearts even get ur mind to do things IT normally wouldn't ...

u got one heart...some will kick it, some bruise, some even stab it...but that one person which will come to the mend....make sure she is worth it ... make it count!