Monday, February 13, 2012


So, In a couple of months I will be a quarter of a century old. 25. A dreaded number isn't it? Kinda marks the beginning of All that Jazz of being a Professional, Responsible, May be for lots of them Getting married et all. It also is the time when a small rebellious Fire in you grows, You are trying to make an identity for yourself, A mark of your own on this world. To look back and say "hey , I did that"

We try to break free of things, Overlook issues we would be worried about, Start worrying about things we never even thought of before, smoke pot, drink lots of Alcohol, Hook up, meet strangers. We start exploring the endless possibilities of who we can be. The choices we make around this time would maybe prove to be decisive. We don't know. An air of uncertainty creeps upon us as we see more and more colors of this world, which we thought was pretty mundane, clockwork and unadventurous before.

For most of our lives were spent seeing the Mother in the Kitchen, Father at office and Adventure meant Bunking college for movies or drinking. I mean yeah we do all this also when we are just entering 20s but it is around the mid 20s that we really express ourselves and start forming our lives the way we want to. Coz we are far more assertive and expressive of our choices. We are no longer what we would call YOUNG adults but ADULTS now. People expect us to be role models for the younger ones, teach them to be "RIGHT".

Personally, I think the Word RIGHT is pretty meaningless when associated with traits, habits or even personalities. What is Right for one is totally wrong for another isn't it? So who really decides what is right? Thats the question we are all asking at this age. Which is why its so significant. There are as many rights as there are perspectives and as long as one mans right doesn't affect or bother another, it holds true.

Also, around this time of your life, you are starting to see through people, their lies and the good. But on a totally different tangent you trust total strangers right? You start seeing things in a different light. You rediscover lots of things you had lost in translation, you learn new things and forego things that you don't relate to anymore!

But one thing is for sure, Whatever it is, One has a moral responsibility to do what they want to do and enjoy life. Wish everyone realized that. Also, Live and Let Live is coming back with a bang!