Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Disdain,Pain,anger,disgust,empathy,patriotism.....are a few emotions that i am going through as i write this post.

I dont know how and where to begin because all these emotions have left me numb. all these emotions have come together due to these delhi blasts that happened recently and they also gave me a sense of deja` vu! I dont know if i would be better off living in my own world not worried and bothered by whats happening in another state but One thing I know for sure is that it has disturbed me no end!.....

over the years some anti social elements have made us indians a soft target....it all began at the AirPlane Hijack in my opinion....the Modern JIHAD is what they call it!....I SAY BALLS TO SUCH JIHAD! No book that speaks about god and about godliness will ever encourage the killings of a fellow human being be it hindu or be it muslim! The very fact that People are looking to kill one another in the name of religion shows that they are the biggest aetheists on this earth and that they dont believe in god or for that matter his teachings....

Every hindu is anti muslim god knows why! and every muslim is hounding for the Hindu blood! I say it is utterly ridiculous to brand someone a terrorist or someone a "Betrayer" purely becoz of their religion is unacceptable! Afterall every Hindu has the same 2 hands and 2 legs, a nose, 2 eyes ,a mouth and 2 ears and it doesnt take rocket science to realise that muslims are made no differently and that they are from the same race! why do we forget that we are HUMAN BEINGS FIRST AND THEN A HINDU OR A MUSLIM!!!

where has all the love and the brotherhood gone!?why can we not trust each other for our lives??why have we all become so selfish about realizing our own dreams by trampling some one else's world and happyness?? when will the likes or RAJ THACKREY,JAYA BACCHAN call themselves INDIAN First and then a Maratha or a UPite??

My friends tell me it was Jaya bachchans fault to make a sarcastic remark at maharashtrians....I say it is no ones fault or even better it is everyones fault! Had we thought of ourselves an Indian first our hearts would have ached to see what happened at delhi or bangalore a couple of months back or for that matter jaipur,Mumbai.....

and only if we call ourselves indians first will we be able to stop all this....afterall it is all about fighting for one cause which is clearly exemplified by the JIHADIS! they manage to get it right with their blasts and attacks purely they are in cohesion in unison to fight for that one cause they think is right which is JIHAD! and mind you these are not more than million people at the most! and we are a billion of us!! if we chose INDIA as our cause and stand up for it and decide to fight for the safety and well being of it can we not kick those Jihadis out???? think about it guys.....we have lost our consscience somewhere and if we can find it then we can surely put an end to most of our problems......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

quite right! People must develop that sense of belonging to india . to society and to this universe...That alone is the solution to all our so called racial- communal problems... Well said deepak... Drop by drop filleth the ocean!