Monday, September 8, 2008

Life vs ME!

its been quite sometime since i actually wrote something worhtwhile and I honestly cant think of much. I am writing this from my office desk and the only thing thats ringing in my mind is the feeling that LIFE HAS CHANGED.....AND HOW!!!!

Its been 11 months now since i lost my best friend....My Father. I never really thought life would be so different without him let alone difficult. What hurts and pains me is not the fact that life is become difficult and I am now the head of the family but the very feeling of not having my dad to guide me and tell me what to do next. So many things that I had dreamt many things I had planned have gone so beserk due to his loss.

Those plans were not for me but were mine.....Those plans were for him...those were dreams I had seen for him...those were gifts I wanted to give him and Mom....those were little suprises I wanted to give him....all those have now got buried somewhere in the many challenges life has thrown at me. I dont know how it feels when you give your first salary to your father.....I dont know how a father reacts when u get a gift for your mom of your first salary....I dont know how a father feels when his son gives him a Bottle of the best Scotch whisky.....I dont know what to do off my salary and how to invest...I dont know so many things which i need to face everyday!

11 months and running....its true that time flies by and it is true that time is the best healer...but there are some wounds not time not god not anyone can ever heal. Those are wounds that leave a mark on you as a person and change you forever...the change is the only thing you can ever control the flow off....change is inevitable and change is the only Forever.....sometimes you change for the good and sometimes for the bad...Life teaches you the difference of Good and Bad and its upto you to make a choice....and it takes a lotta BALLS to make the right choice and Stick by it!

It takes a lot of balls to face all that life throws at you while taking away your strenghts....and its not easy....not at all easy to take it up to life...take it upto the ones who are staging this play called LIFE and change the script of the play....but its not impossible....I can say this coz I have done it and I will keep doing it till life is what I want it to be and not what it wants me to be!

In all this I have learnt one thing....Life doesnt announce what ever good it gives you and when anyone does that they have everyright to take what they like too without announcing....but it is upto us to not be a loser inspite of losing what u want and what u have!

P.S Dad I know you are up there reading my mind and watching me fuck life back.....and I hope you are proud of me...not becoz of my 68%...not becoz of my salary...not becoz of anything....but becoz I have proved Life a LOSER and not lost the battle!



Mohit said...

You've won it hands down brother. And you won it long back.
I can't say anything fr what you've lost but you definitely and truely are exceeding everyone's expectations including yr dad's.
Believe you me, you r an exceptional person/son (not jus coz o yr u and you are only gettin better at it.
Keep up the good work and always be yr cheerfull self

PuNiT said...

You r a FIGHTER,bro...
Welcome to d League (LoL'z) !!!
N datz d way to go..never ever give up...
coz life comes juz once ..n v r nt amng thoz whu will let it waste.. !!
Lets try winning in life...coz there's alwyz a chance2win whn v fite bck..rathr dan juz giving up !!!
Keep this attitude foreva bro..