Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Grind

Thanks to one Mr Sahu today....I was reminded of finishing 1 year of being a Employed / salaried / bread earning / Self Earning/ Apney pairo pey khada hua person....

Thanks to Zycus I got the first opportunity of my life to earn something and prove my detractors wrong... I have always believed that Actions speak louder than words and that the brain is mightier than the sword ;) but the bottomline remains that all those Distinction holders n Toppers n the so called Creme De La Creme of the Class those who thought they are the brain and we are the Drain are all rotting pretty much in their Mediocre monotonous lives....n the fact that they have no social life barring Orkut ( Mind you not even facebook LOL ) proves that they are a wasted soul...

You can only get this far with books and then it is your Grit, your talent and your determination that takes you through life.....You can't refer to YVC Rao or Tata Mc Graw Hill or BL Theraja for the principles of life.... n I guess thats where ya all lose it my friends.... You only get one chance to make most of your hey-days and you got to make sure your right up there..... sorta reminds me of that ad by mentos about the donkey and the Ape.....

Well I ain't saying or wishing that no body moves ahead...I wish them all the luck straight from the heart but I hope life teaches them to be sobre and more connected to others who are not so genius and that these folks learn to live a normal life.....

This seems more like a vent out of all the pent up frustration but why NOT! God Damn an year or so back I was looked like a good for nothing stupid ass glorifying himself purely because of his talent ( whatever little) on the football pitch but minus a brain in the head when he was in class.... Now 1 year down the line I can only thank all those people who thought so about me coz it has made me a champion...

The past 1 year with Zycus has been a fun year and one where I learnt a lot about not only corporates but also about my own strengths and weaknesses. Zycus not only gave me a platform to perform but also recognized and appreciated my success....I can only thank them for it.... It gave me a sense of pride coming in here day in and day out and going through what people call THE GRIND!......

for me this Grind has been anything but painful coz it has only helped me grow in strength and stature..... It has made me more responsible, mature and a good listener ( some thing I lacked earlier )....It has given me some timeless friends like Akshay, Stanley, Sameer, Hriday, Sachin.....few people I believe I will never forget..... people I have had mutual admiration and respect for....folks I can count on..... it has also shown me the ugly side of politics and corporate beaureaucracy ( I hope I got that right) ..... the late night games of football.....the early morning drinking sessions....the jokes about Dulhapan....the Daman trip....about Teja and about Thapa.....It's all been a great journey of learning and growth....

Cheers to THE GRIND of Life which teaches you so much..... As i walk into the 2nd year of my work...I only hope it keeps making me a better professional and a better person....

1 comment:

Saurabh said...

tz 'bureaucracy' ..Baaki sab thik thaak.. haha.. Well written..!!!