Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chokers Galore.....

Ok...I wanna start this blog with the mention of Aditi. Aditi Naik, who I know through my friend, Shashank Shetty. Aditi and I share one thing common...the love for Mammy Poco Pants! lol it the cutest thing! And I was just telling Adi that I was planning on another blog.

I have been trying to write for a while now but haven't found enough time...Saala time is so short now that I haven't spoken to a lot of my friends in quite sometime...friends I normally spoke to woh choddo yaar...its now about Chokers...

South Africa are stuck with this Tag and they just proved it right against England...when they failed to win 2 test matches which they should have! Ditto with Pakistan who lost to Australia in a rather distasteful manner and I almost thought the match was rigged....and poor ol west indies have their own issues which transcended on to the field....

there's something about CHOKERS that no one likes...Chokers are people,teams, Individuals, Organizations who fail to rise to the occassion! who fail to up the ante and's not a crime but it just goes to show the character of a side! South Africa are not deserving holders of that crown...damn it! but I was not writing this blog to talk bout Cricket...this was a more important issue.

Off Late, I have been seeing and reading a lot of Suicide stories, In the news, in the papers, In the magazines, by word of mouth. Its almost like suicide is the new IN thing and u will be called COOL posthumously if u suicide! people have been taking the jump, tying the knot rather regularly in that hope.... as if they will be conferred upon a honorary title or will be addressed a Late "COOL" XYZ! lol...

Even more surprising, is the number of kids doing it...owing to pressure! I don't blame the kids as much as the parents but both of them have to take blame for it. Kids get way too easily influenced these days becoz parents don't tell them whats right and whats wrong! Even funnier is that parents begin to burden the kids with the pressure of being first in class, first in sports, first to the loo, first to poop their pants, first in the line... they want their kids to be first everywhere and the only thing kids are succeeding in is "being first to suicide" !

its a grave situation! I don't understand why the government, instead of tackling this is making things easier for kids and making it look like a fault of the educatioon system!? The education system has been around for a long time and I have been through it. its rigorous, its tough, it is stupid but it is the education system which makes u strong enough for life....the solution to all these suicides is definitely not dropping papers and letting the school students keep terms or choose subjects and so on....instead the government should publish guidelines for kids and parents alike on how to deal with stress and on how to cope up with pressure and on how to treat KIDS AS KIDS and not WORK HORSES!

only if all parents were like mine or any of my friends' and treated kids like human beings...there will be lesser suicide cases and lesser kids will begin to choke.... choke under this pressure...but yes now everybody must be thinking everything is parent's actually is not! Cmon kids...even I was a kid one time....and my parents also gave me the same pressure...but I never got carried away! you should neither! the kids need to be more grounded...bloody hell kids are so fast maturing these days that they are threatening their parents with suicide attempts and what not! ...

DAMN IT CHOKER KIDS!.... I am not being judgemental but just being angry! Kids are loveable and beautiful! don't kill them with such pressures of education, of cutting their teeth into this dirty bread earning mill. pressures of excelling all the time! it's not the wya to treat a kid! Discipline and decorum is important...but not at the cost of their lives!

Anyways this is getting to my head....and so I am leaving!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

happy birthday 2010...RIP 2009

well its 3.00 AM in the morning and its January 2, 2010. I have been champing a bit today...thanks to the kick ass new years pardy (look Party has a D in it to portray the cool accent lol) anu had organized....Anu and her friends cooked up the most awesome new years I have had in a few years now....well the booze was the icing on the cake....

The palty (tryin to show the ghaati side of it now lol) started with Beer and culminated on Whisky...and after having had 3 bottles of KF Mild, 8-10 pegs of Whisky and then 1 shot of Scotch (Vat 69).... I was kinda on cloud 9 lol.... I mean come on...whoever said Binge drinking was not fun...had to come see me drinking .... It was so much fun to drink and make drinks for others and alos see people get knocked out 1 by 1 :P .... i was so happy to see anu and prawn bond and the good part was Prawn and I bonded well too and we are truly family! the party also saw BP chasing a dog..... well he took the terms "DOG SHOT" and "Doggie Style" too literally and harassed this one chess board dog (because it was black and white) all night lol....

As I write this up....I am just thinking...why do we drink on new years?? I mean its no protocol nor is it a law or any sort of promise you make so why exactly do people drink??? I think most would say they drink to celebrate the new year coming....but I say NO!!! NO NO NO NO NO (in typical Russel Ishtyle) most peopl drink on New years for two reasons...both of which are very well bonded together...

1. To celebrate all the good things that happened to u till December 31
2. To forget all the bad things that happened to you till December 31....

Its not exactly rocket science but come on! New year is just another YEAR! You don't celebrate birthdays for new years unless you know that your gonna get a windfall or a big promotion or a new car in the new year! You celebrate whatever you have achieved in the past year ;) its much like how we had the Annual Day in school lol...I was part of 2 annual day programmes too! Yay!!

yeah so what I was emphasizing on is that people normally celebrate the passed by year on the pretext of the year thats coming on ;) and little do people realize they are doing that....

well can't blame the people too....its a psychological barrier that we human beings have....we don't celebrate BY Gones....thats the notion...we only celebrate arrivals...and thats why we try to call it the celebration of the Upcoming year.....

well but thats not the only reason...heres a more logical reason, one that holds some water to it and one that I am willing to buy myself is to do with the fact that we humans are closely bonded to the word HOPE! Hope is a very funny aspect of the human is what keeps u alive to see the new day...the hope that u will make it big someday, the hope that u will live with the girl of ur dreams one day, the hope that u will own the house u saw on VH1 cribs....the hope that u will have white kids (especially when ur brown or black :P ) it is this HOPE....The HOPE that the new year will be much better than the already good Year Gone by is what we exactly celebrate...

so now that I have justified the celebration lol let me take the liberty to also say that I am as mortal as everybody else and as human as everybody else too .... so I celebrated new years with the same purpose.... HOPE....The Hope that things will kick on from here and move forward....I am not a resolutions haven't made any....... I am a DAWG that bites and not one that Barks.. so I will rather do it than talk about it.... and the power to achieve what I want will be sourced by the very hope I welcomed the new year with!

Year 2009 has gone by and it has seen 1 full year of a life time ;) lol .... its not been exactly the same old years....till 2009 I had been a Student for some part of the year atleast....this is the first time the whole year I have been working....but to be honest...I have learnt way more than I ever learned in college or school.... just an indication how life has changed gears and has automatically graduated me to the next level both personally and professionaly. I am not gonna talk about all the crap about whats ahppening around the world and not a lot bout what happened to Me in 2009 but lets just say it wasa great year on a personal front :) I made new friends, I renewed some old friends, I recycled some very good friends and helped them change for its been all bout friends for me :) .... Friends are afterall 1 of the 3 pillars of my trinity!... and to be honest its always great to make friends...a new addition to your friends list never hurts :) so heres me signing off with the hope and prayer that the friendships I made through 2009 will last forever and that I will make more new friends and 2010......
